14 September 2022: Kaoko

In September, we stumbled upon a rare opportunity to capture Kaoko, one of the elusive giraffe, as she and her fellow herd members were on the move. As we followed them closely, we noticed that giraffe are not always easy to predict, as they usually go about their business at a leisurely pace along riverbeds, but at times, they appear to have a clear goal in mind. Despite the challenge of getting a clear shot of Kaoko as she transitioned from an open sandy Hoarusib riverbed to a densely vegetated one, we persisted with patience and intuition, until we finally caught up to the herd. Our efforts paid off, as we were able to witness Kaoko, along with eight other majestic giraffe, embarking on their journey to the Hoarusib plains, where they would spend the night grazing and resting in proximity to our camp.

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